Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Cup of Daily Motivation.

*Tears* An amazing friend gave this to me today and it means the world to me.

Aldona joined my very first online fitness group almost one year ago as I started this crazy coaching journey! She has literally been with me since day one. There was something about having her alongside me this last year that inspired me to always do better, be better, jump higher, run further, dig deeper and dream bigger.

Having her support right from the beginning in this business made me want to give 100% EVERY TIME. THAT is a friend. She joined me in running my first half marathon last summer checking off my New Year's resolution for 2013 and a long time goal. I was quite under the weather that day and considered not running and she reminded me that I had trained and I was READY! And I was. We finished in less than 2 hours! Who knows...I may never have run without her encouragement that day. She always believed I could do it, even when I wasn't sure myself.

Girl, you were literally the FIRST person to join this amazing adventure with me..and it would NOT be the same without you in it. THANK YOU for everything. Proud to have you on my team...even more proud you are my friend. Words...really not enough...xo.